Mama Blooms Brewed- Harold Becomes A VP. ep30, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

back from her honeymoon, Yetta visits with mama. Jake has to figure out how to put his two new sons-in-law to work at his business. Mama advises her daughter that Jake isn’t too happy with finding work for Harold. Hiring Sidney has been a success, but there are doubts that Harold will fit in on the job.
Jake returns home as Yetta runs out to run errands. He is been driven crazy after making the pants for 20 years he has become set in his ways. Now that Sidney and Harold are on board, they want to bring in a lot of fresh new ideas. Is it a matter of too many cooks spoiling the knee pants factory? The boys what offenses to themselves, and have ideas to manufacture uniforms.
Mama figures she had better phone Harold’s brother, Mrs. Fink. Jake figures he has enough worries and doesn’t need her dragged into it. It’s not that Harold is a good boy, is that he is demanding more than Jake figures he should.
Sidney enters to get Jake’s input on a business decision. Jake is upset over Sidney leaving the factory, but will he give Sidney a chance to explain his business proposal? Is it time to branch out and expand to do business on a larger scale? He presents stationary to promote the new products and a vice president of sales, Harold.