Jack Benny – Northwest Passage. ep375, 400519

Jack Benny and Carmichael 1939.

Don gives a flowery, springtime introduction to Jack Benny. Mary is on hand to add to the conversation about the flowers and Jack’s Garden. We find out that Carmichael the polar bear has been out roller skating in the nice weather. Phil is on hand to show his appreciation for the spring flowers. Dennis joins the gang as the conversation turns towards an upcoming party for the sponsor, Mr. Mortimer.
Dennis sings, With the Wind and the Rain in Your Hair. Jack complements Dennis on his song, and it becomes an opening for Don to deliver a dramatic commercial. Jack introduces their dramatic feature, his version of the MGM feature Northwest Passage. The parts are assigned. Jack plays the starring role that Spencer Tracy performed. Phil plays a tune, Loud.
Jack sets the scene and issues commands to his company of Rangers about the rugged terrain, and the young woman they have to rescue. After three days on the march, the troop makes camp. They run a crossed Mary, the lost girl who was captured years ago by Indians. Another two days March, and the company is nearing their destination. Will they arrive safely? Will there be Indians lurking behind every tree? Maybe some friendly Indians can help them out