Hillbilly Boys – First Song, Sing On Brother Sing. ep17, 1939

antique audio equipment, Fotolia, jukeboxes, music, nostalgic old record players, songs, sounds, tunes, vintage
"Used with permission from Microsoft."


  1. Pat O’Daniel calls on Mickey Wickey, his brother to sing, Sing Brother Sing.
  2. Pat, in poetic style tells the benefit of starting the day with biscuits made from Hillbilly flour.
  3. Horace sings, My Blue Heaven.
  4. Pat encourages listeners to send in requests as all songs on the show are performed by request.
  5. Leon and Horace sing, the Maple on the Hill.
  6. Pat reads a fan letter that brags on both the singing of the Hillbillies music, and Hillbilly flour.
  7. Leon goes Spanish and sings, I’m a Gay Caballero.