Gunsmoke – One Night Stand. ep267, 570519

"Cowboys and Gunslinger Photographs" - A black and white photograph featuring a collection of antique firearms and cowboy memorabilia. The items are arranged on a wooden table, and include revolvers, pistols, rifles, bullets, and other cowboy accessories. The image evokes the rugged and lawless nature of the American West during the late 19th century, when duels and shootouts were common. The artifacts serve as a window into the past, providing a glimpse into the lives and culture of cowboys and gunslingers from this era.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Matt and Chester face the wild West version of a flat tire, a lost horse shoe. With a matter of an absent livery stable blacksmith, Matt does his own horse shoeing work. Argo is a miner who rides into town, and mistakes Matt for the town blacksmith. He asks Matt to help him find a trustworthy person to secure his gold so he can have a look around Dodge.

Doc gripes to Matt about the shady characters in town, and claims he wants to move back to the soft life in St Louis. From the points that Matt, and later Chester brings up when he enters with word of a medical need, Doc wouldn’t trade his comfortably scruffy life and devotion to his patients for such a soft life. In the Long Branch, Matt encounters a couple men claiming to be miners, but an explosion of lies is detected. The troubling situation ends in the sound of distant gunshots.

Confronting Argo, the river of lies continues. Matt lets them all slide for the moment, but a trap is layer. Is there a big robbery in store? Will there be a murder in the works for Matt to deal with? Who is the real crook, and how will Matt turn the tables on him? Rough justice at the point of blazing guns deals out the tough frontier justice.