Frank Merrywell – Unreasonable Aunt. 480626

Antique magnifying glass with handle.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Facing pressure to commit to a big business deal with Mr. Maxwell, Norman has only a few days to convince his aunt to let him leave the family business. Is aunt Hester being too unreasonable? Frank and his friends join William as he visits his aunt. She seems nice enough to the young folk, but demands that Norman leave his position on the rowing team. Is it for his own good? If she’s so demanding over a sports team, what chance does Norman have in his business opportunity?

The next morning, Norman sends Frank and Bart to the factory for a grand tour. Brother, William is heard in the office talking to Mr. Maxwell. Though it’s a good decision to sell out to Maxwell, Frank thinks aunt Hester is being cheated.

Trapped in the factory, Frank and Bart can’t get out to stop the sale. Will anybody back at the estate realize there’s something wrong in

Frank’s absence? An unexpected helper gets Frank out, and just in time to confront William, Maxwell, and Hester before papers can be signed? Frank’s exploits in the face of danger might even convince Hester to let Norman be on the team.