Dragnet – The Big Brain. ep320, 551004

Assorted law enforcement badges and photographs on a textured background, representing government and police officials.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Audio is on the poor side, weak and tinny.

Working the Robbery Detail, Joe Friday and partner, Frank Smith are to meet with a witness about the thief they are trying to catch. The man has been locked in the trunk of his car, and Joe helps him out to get all the details of the incident.

The crimes involve kidnapping a person, locking them in the trunk, and using the car to make robberies. Wow, sounds pretty involved to me. Either this crook is a brainiac, or a moron.

After the abducted man tells the cops what he knows about the men who stole his car and kidnapped him, joe is armed with details from the crime lab. It’s time for Friday and Smith to piece it all together, and start tracking down the robbers.

When crimes of a similar nature pop up in San Fransisco, Friday works with the cops there to interrogate the suspect that was just picked up. Is it a false lead? Joe Friday returns to Los Angeles to continue his canvassing, and the dragnet he has covering the city. Diligent and plodding policework finally pays off, and Friday gets his man.