Let’s Pretend – The Twelve Months. ep23, 470906

A fairy sitting on a flower blossom, with her wings spread out and a wand in her hand. The flower is vibrant purple and the fairy has a mischievous smile on her face.

To take us to storyland today, let’s take an exciting ride on a roller coaster.

Marooshka is a lazy girl who hasn’t done her chores. Her laziness is an embarrassment to her mother and family, and they hide her away when the prince comes around to scout out a potential bride. Despite being sent out to a snow-covered mountainside to gather violets, Marooshka finds some brothers who use magical powers to help her.

Mom wants to keep the girl from meeting the prince, and keeps sending her out on impossible chores. The twelve brothers represent the twelve months of the year, and they use their powers to meet each challenge. Will Marooshka get the things she wants? The brothers advise her to let time do the telling, and take care of her problems. for her.