Let’s Pretend – Cinderella. ep26, 470927

A fairy sitting on a flower blossom, with her wings spread out and a wand in her hand. The flower is vibrant purple and the fairy has a mischievous smile on her face.

It’s radio’s outstanding children’s theater of the air, and it’s about to present one of the best loved stories of all times. Before we can start, we have to get to storyland. Run along with a pack of blood hounds to storyland and let the fairy tale begin.

This is a classic tale that needs no introduction, or show notes. But I’m going to do it anyway. Cinderella lives with her stepmother, they get ready for the ball, but make Cinderella do their dirty work in helping them get ready, and forbid her from going. How will poor little Cinderella get her chance to attend? with a little magical help, she becomes the most beautiful belle of the ball. The clock strikes 12 and she flees when her magical clothes return to her daily rags.

Cinderella’s fairy godmother has done her job well though, and the prince has become enchanted with her and seeks her out. Imagine everyone’s surprise when the prince uses the glass slipper and finds his bride, the ugly step sister…. just kidding! He and Cinderella are married, and live happily ever after.

I know that you already knew that, but listen in to see how the Pretenders present this story, and grab your favorite little ones to share it with.