Fred Allen – Milkguest Lindy Lindemann Restauranteur. ep20, 410219

If there’s one thing to be sure of, it’s that it’s Wednesday night and Fred Allen is on the air. Fred talks about the aquarium that is being moved from the city to the Bronx. The Texaco News of the Week presents highlights from the world of news. Topics revolve around the high meat prices, and include: an authority on the meat industry, a butcher, the woes of a housewife, and marketing techniques. Fred imagines the future impact of the rising meat prices. Kenny Baker sings, Presidia.

After a musical transition, Fred gets to take a telephone poll. Portland helps introduce their guest, Leo Lindeman. He’s the owner of the world-famous Lindy’s Restaurant. Fred jokes with him about his food, and the famous Hollywood types that he caters to. The Martins sing, The Rhythm is Red White and Blue.

Kenny seems to be late, and Portland tells Fred that the young singer has been captured by Indians. Fred shares other lies Kenny has told to miss work. Once Kenny makes his appearance, Fred chews him out about his lies. They are lies, right? Kenny sings, Somewhere My Love Lies Dreaming.

Fred looks at the mysterious origins of milk. Who discovered it? How was it invented? We look in the office of a monster milk baron to see what the business has become. . Marketing slogans, movies, commercials, and even public relations problems.