Casey, Crime Photographer – The Demon Miner. ep177, 470320

A security guard dressed in a dark uniform is reaching for his sidearm, which is holstered on his right hip. He stands in front of a brick wall, with his left hand resting on his belt. His facial expression suggests a state of high alertness and readiness to act in case of any threat or danger.
Security Guard Drawing his Weapon --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis "Used with permission from Microsoft."

Accidents are plaguing the mine, and superstitions run rampant among the miners about a demon that haunts the mines. When the demon appears, it foretells the upcoming death of another victim. Other miners are more skeptical, and through their conversation on the job we learn of office politics, rivalries, and live through some of the dangers involved with life underground.

Suddenly, and in dramatic style, the demon strikes again. Elsewhere in the Blue Note Tavern, Casey and Ethylbert talk about the big news story that Ann brings in about the accident. Casey is off to learn the facts from the management at the mine.

A white powder is found, and with Ann Williams, Casey piece together human explanations for the supernatural killings. As clues are exposed, Casey and Ann find themselves in great danger. Will Ann be the next victim?

PS: With such a scary, supernatural mystery filled with ghosts and demons, I keep waiting for Shaggy and Scooby to make an appearance. Zoikes! Of course the very human killer is pointed out, and I’ll bet he thinks that he could have gotten away with it too. If it weren’t for those meddling reporters.