Our Miss Brooks – Dyeing Easter Eggs. 500409

"An apple sitting on a school teacher's desk"
Apple on Desk ca. 2001. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

It’s that time of year, and we find Connie Brooks and Mrs Davis in the kitchen diing Easter eggs. Harriot pops in to get the eggs on to boil. The gals discuss Easter fashions. Walter enters and has a new dye that he invented in the science lab. There’s a delay action so the color won’t show up until tomorrow. There has to be a mix up brewing in here somewhere, I just know it.

When Mrs Davis has some new beauty cream, and Stretch Snodgrass visits the mix up happens. We now have beauty cream that is actually dye that doesn’t show up for 24 hours. But wait, it’s only the beginning of the miracle invention.

The comedy builds when Mr Conklin wants to use the beauty cream to get rid of a mark on his face. With reporters, and plenty of chance for a photo op, the staff turns out to be a colorful bunch for all to see. At least Connie has a bright spot in the show when she gets a special treat out of her ordeal when she spends time with Boynton.