Jack Benny – Murder In The Movies. 381204

Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone and Don Wilson posing for a photo in 1938.

Don and Jack joke about the cold weather in New York, compared to sunny California. Jack gets in some wisecracks about his famous rival, Fred Allen. The rest of the cast arrive to talk about their trip. Jack gets in a comment about Mary’s crazy hat. Before Phil plays, an old flame of Jack’s makes an appearance. Phil plays, Pocketful of Dreams.

Kenny Baker is on hand to pick up on the jokes on the cold weather. Jack tries to introduce the play, but ends up talking about his service in the first world war. Kenny sings, Say It With a Kiss.

Murder at the Movies is an original play where Inspector Jack O’Benny and his detectives Phil, Kenny, and Don are hot on the case at the Bijou theater. The jokes fly as Jack has to deal with the theater employees, who cut him no slack.

Note: Phil jokes that he was in Kindergarten for the first world war. He is younger than Jack, but not that young. More likely Phil was in high school at the time of that war’s end. Also Jack wasn’t quite known for his stingy nature yet, and Mary mentions a Scotsman when a gag about being a tightwad is needed.