Fibber McGee and Molly – The Fish Dinner. ep592, 490927

A black and white photograph of Fibber McGee and Molly, a couple from a popular radio show of the same name. They are standing in front of a closet that has been opened, with clothes and other items spilling out onto the floor. Fibber is holding a mop and wearing an apron, while Molly looks on with a smile on her face. The overall effect is one of humor and domesticity, with the couple's playful antics and cluttered living space providing a snapshot of life in mid-century America in 1948.

Fibber decides to invite friends over for dinner. Doc Gamble visits for a dose of abuse. Teeny stops in to tell about school. Billy Mills plays, Fiddle Dee Dee.

Milt the delivery boy shows off his girlfriend. Harlow Wilcox pops in for the commercial, and talks about fish. Mayor LaTrivia visits, and takes the McGees up on their invitation. The McGees get him flustered when they get confused over the mayor being on the ball. The Kingsmen sing about, Ickabod and Mr Toad.

With all the guests ready, all that’s needed is Wallace Wimple with the order of fish. For now Ole the Janitor stops in with a word about dinner at his house. Wimple visits, tells about Sweetie Face, but what about the fish? McGee might be in danger of his guests.

PS: Hey, remember the episode about Shrimps McGee, where Fibber pulled a sneaky plot twist for a happy ending? At least happy for he and Molly. Well, no such luck this time.