American History Through the Eyes of Radio ep22 1745 Leatherstocking Tales – Deerslayer Part 13. 1932

American flags, with a diversity of citizens standing in front. Men in jeans and t-shirts.
People in front of American flag. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

A desparate fight broke out after an ambush on the houseboat. The distraction gave Deerslayer the chance to escape from his captors, but it was short lived. Heddy has a knack of sneaking past the watchful Indian guards, and updates Deerslayer on plans to bring in the soldiers. Will it stop him from being tortured?

Deerslayer faces tomahawks, rifles, and all the warriors can throw at him. Judith enters the camp to save Deerslayer, but what can onewoman do against the Indian torturers?

The distraction pays off. The squad of soldiers raid with musketw blazing to send the Irriquois running. Though this may be the end of the skirmish, Deerslayer knows the conflict with the natives is only bginning.