Fred Allen – National Poetry Week (George Jessel). ep34, 430523

Audio is a bit overdriven. I checked other sources, and it’s the same mushy quality no matter where I look. Digital filtering only makes things worse. Sorry about the quality.

Fred opens with jokes about Hitler, and the war. Portland and Fred talk about potato shortages. The Allen’s Alley topic is about National Poetry Week. John Doe, Mrs. Noosebaum, and Socrates share poems. Falstaff brings a poem, but is a little disgruntled that the other cast members moved into his territory. HiLo Jack and the dame sing, Wait for Me Mary.

Fred wants to write his biography, and thinks George Jessel can help him. George plugs his biography that he has just written. The two of them joke about books, and family history. Fred gets plenty of advice from George.