Fibber McGee and Molly – Breakfast In Bed For Molly. ep354, 430302

Ignoring a page from Poor Richards Almanac, the McGee’s are sleeping late today. Will Fibber be nice, and make Molly breakfast in bed? She has been a good kid. She deserves it. Will Molly let him go through with it, or will her worry at the potential mess cause her to interrupt Fibber’s enthusiasm? Fibber tries his hand at being the good little homemaker. The recipes and instructions are a problem. Billy Mills plays a perky swing tune.

As Molly relaxes on the sofa, the mail lady pops in with word about Molly’s rich aunt. Fibber’s waffle making is interrupted by the Old Timer. The old gent shares about his wedding plans. As Fibber continues pampering Molly, Harlowe Wilcox arrives to twist the domestic theme into a sponsor message.

Abigail Uppington is next to learn about the yummy things that Fibber keeps burning in the kitchen. After Abigail offers her critique of the smells coming from the kitchen, the Kingsmen sing, Rosie the Riveter.

Molly’s big concern now is the choice of starving, or being poisoned. Wallace Wimple pops in, and shares about his own breakfast experience. Stand by for a final secret and surprise for Molly.