Lum and Abner – Setting Traps For Clyde. 451213

Drawing, map of downtown Pine Ridge.

After the storyline with the sarge, we drop in on a lazy day in the Jot Em Down store. The gents discuss a problem with a troublesome mouse who has been the culprit of many small pranks around Pine Ridge. Clyde is a pesky mouse but has become something of a pet to Abner.

Can Lum force him to trap the cute critter, and keep him out of trouble? Avner worries over harming his rodent friend when Cedric enters. The lad hears how mad Lum has been over Abner’s new pet. Cedric has trouble following Abner’swoeful story. Will he be sympathetic to the little mouse, or be straight forward to ruthlessly set traps?

Cedric offers ideas for bait to use. Whoever heard of a mouse who doesn’t like cheese? Maybe some of Cedric’s favorite, chunky peanut butter would work?

Lum has bought a box of traps, maybe a couple hundred of them, and expects Abner to have them all set out. Is it going to be curtains for Clyde? Cedric is mechanical in setting traps as Abner grieves.

Lum enters to check on progress but has a fit when he finds them baited with licorice. Abner is obedient and makes Lum proud when he goes to each trap, replacing the bait with a generously sized chunk of cheese.