Your Hit Parade – First Song – Three Little Sisters (#9). 420718

Counting down the top 10 hits, and 3 bonus favorites, just for you.


  1. Three Little Sisters, rated: 9 Vocals by the Hit Parade singers.
  2. Johnny Doughboy Found a Rose in Ireland, ranked: 4
  3. The Jersey Bounce, ranked: 5
  4. Keep Your Sunnyside Up. A bonus dedicated as a salute to the Marines.
  5. Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree, ranked: 7. Vocals by Joan Edwards.
  6. This Is Worth Fighting For, ranked: 10. Vocals by Barry Wood.
  7. I’m Shooting High. A bonus dedication to the Navy.
  8. Beware of Paris, rated: 8. New to the Hit Parade countdown this week.
  9. I Got Spurs that Jingle Jangle Jingle, rated: 3
  10. One Dozen Roses, rated: 2
  11. Sleepy Lagoon. Rating isn’t given, but my guess is it was #1.