Lum and Abner – Sarge Falls In Love. 451127

Drawing, map of downtown Pine Ridge.

Reviewing their plan to find a love interest for the sarge, the gents also recap how Lum’s photo had been submitted. When sarge enters, she gushes over the guy in the photo, and how he looks like he needs her kind of mothering. Not knowing its a young image of Lum, since the bureau only uses numbers.

As she goes On over her designs for the young man in the photo, Lum finds himself trying to dissuade her. Playing down the strong suits she names, and becoming defensive over the faults she points out.

Has Lum put her off? Can he keep her from sending her reply when the mail hack arrives? Will he soon be face to face with the match made for him by the bureau?

Note: In the opening comments, the announcer states Lum applied at the matrimonial bureau back in 1934, and forgot he did it. That may be, but the matrimonial bureau has alternately been submitted Abner’s picture, and Lum’s picture at least twice since 1935.