Stan Freeberg – Build It Yourself Piano. ep10, 570915

Stan interviews a disgruntled man, and a confused woman. Why do they hate freeways so much? Will it help to get their problems out in the open with a freeway expert? With June Forray, Stan demonstrates the latest do it yourself project that any handyman can do, build your own piano.

After a musical break from Peggy Taylor, with the song, Send for Me, Stan presents a view of literary giants of our time. Learn about the 5 foot 4 inch Mr Wong, and his profound writings. The Rhythmaires sing, Just One of Those Things.

A demonstration of the quality sound of Hi Fidelity recordings is presented. That is, if the two nerdy technicians can get past their bickering. Listen and enjoy the myriad of sound affects, and impressive musical sensations. Never known as a fan of rock and roll music, Stan does a spoof of Elvis Presley’s hit, Heartbreak Hotel, and offers his slant on why it’s hard to understand the vocals of rock and roll singers.