Dragnet – Big Couple. ep89, 510222

Bunko Detail. Joe Friday is on the heals of a husband and wife centered con game.

At the Holy Gospel Tabernacle. Pastor’s house. Ben observes, “It’s not a very wealthy looking neighborhood.” Reverend Olsen tells how the married couple suckered him into their research work. The Herberts swindled him out of $800. Joe has enough to get started tracking down various friends and relatives. The trail leads to an exercise class.

A phone call sends the cops to another church,. This time with the Herberts claiming to be writing a book. Time passes and Joe is no closer to the Herberts. But their trail of swindles is growing. The Herberts have a knack for weaseling the last pennies, or war bonds, out of folks who are down on their luck.

Just when things are looking flat, a hot tip reignites the hunt. Will there be a need to get the homicide detail involved? Joe catches up with Mrs Herbert, who claims it was her husband that dragged her into this mess. Somehow. He doesn’t believe her. From here its only a short trip to stop- Mr Herbert. And the new dame he’s about to run off with.