Behind The Mike – Versatile Acting. ep4, 401006

One of the most versatile voice actors in radio is featured, Charlie Cantor. Charlie demonstrates a few of his dialects, and range of characters. He also demonstrates a few unusual characterizations he has been asked to perform. What famous leading man was fired, so Charlie could be hired for a job?

Oddities in radio presents a few items. A commercial announcement of women had to be switched by having men do the parts instead, and became a success for the sponsor. Also a dramatization of what happened when the lights went out in the studio, multiple times.

Favorite foods of the radio stars are discussed, when the proprietor of the famous restaurant Lindy’s is interviewed.

Enjoy a dramatization of how a cabbie, Eddie Davis, became a comedy writer for Eddie Cantor and others.

Letters from listeners. Al Newman of Newsweek answers letters including how do sponsors decide on which programs to sponsor. The origin of the name soap opera. What is a stooge, and how did the term originate.

Learn how radio saved the life of a great footvall star, Ken Strong of the New York Giants. The athlete is on hand to tell the story in his own words, and a little dramatization to go along with it.