Lum and Abner – Lum And Abner Don’t Have To Change the Creek. 440829

The big night to change the route of the creek arrives, but Cedric has been delayed doing nothinng. Huh? He tells how the guys at thhe defense plant had luck fishing. Does Abner need Cedric for a night time fishing trip? Will the secret be safe?

A phone interruption from Mrs Pomeroy turns Abner’s attention to running the store, but his customer service skills need work. He has to tel Lum that it could be difficult to keep Cedric and his crowd of friends away tonight.

Studying his law books, Lum figures it would do no good to change where the creek runs. Sudden changes in creek beds only mean the old path is still the real boundary. But wait… which creek bed is the old one? Lum is all set to gloat go the friendly BJ Webster.