Our Miss Brooks – Trip To Eagle Springs. 490703.

Normally, Connie Brooks enjoys her work, and her students, but at times she has run ins with the principal, Mr Conklin. Sometimes unexplained accedents just happen when Mr Conklin is around her. She talks with her landlady, the absent minded Mrs Davis about her school woes. To take a break from the overbearing boss, Connie plans a weekend trip out of town to relax, especially since she has learned that Mr Boynton will be going to Eagle Springs as well.

Meanwhile, Mr Conklin is seeing his doctor about his high blood pressure. The doc recommends taking a break from the source of his stress, a certain accident prone English teacher. I’ll bet Mr Conklin plans a get away to Eagle Springs too.

At school, the day is off to a cold start when Connie and Conklin meet. Oh, those pesky accidents. I think it’s really Miss Brooks fault. But then again, Conklin had plenty of time to stop this one. Maybe he actually misses the high adventure lifestyle of being Flash Gordon in his younger days?

Connie has sent Walter Denton on a secret mission to buy her ticket on the train, and making sure she is seated next to Mr Boynton. The end of the school day arrives, and with a minimum of additional accidents between Connie and Conklin. I knew it was coming, Conklin talks to Boynton and coerces him to sell his train ticket to him. It looks like Connie’s presence will be a big surprise alright, but not the one she hoped for. Tune in to the end for the priceless reaction as Conklin learns who he’s travelling with. Gotta love those slow burns.

There’s an epilog so Connie can tellhow her trip to Eagle Springs went.