Lum and Abner – Water Analyzed. 440706

Abner doesn’t have a chance to rest, when he returns from deliveries. Lum needs him to run another errand regarding the mineral water tests. They take time to be proud of Emery, a Pine Ridge son, who is looking sharp in his uniform after his training. He is in a unit that can do the chemical analysis of the water. The idea of picking the water apart to learn its contents is beyond Abner.

The testing Lum wants is going to need to be kept secret. He doesn’t want either grandpap, or Mr Webster to find out that he’s doing it. With BJ Webster as self elected president, he has beat around the bush in letting Lum in on the loop. The figure of speech makes Abner wonder why Webster has his office out in the bushes. Is he hunting for birds? Maybe rabbits, since they’re in season, and legal to shoot.

More figures of speech clutter Abner’s mind, when he’s told to hold his horses. Has this turned into a fox hunt? Why are the horses involved? Abner figures he ought to tramp through the woods to show Webster how its done.