Vic and Sade – Christmas Suggestions For The Boss. 431126.

After dinner Vic plans to get some work done on things from the office. It’s that time of year again for him to decide on getting a Christmas gift for the boss. Vic grumbles over the suggestions he recieved out of the suggestion box.

Russel helps to read the crazy gift ideas, and everyone gets a nice laugh out of it. Everybody except for Vic.


  • Vic calls Russell: “Side Saddle” and “Picnic Basket.” He also calls him “Whitehouse” four different times. Russell is played by David Whitehouse.)
  • Sade mentions that Mis’ Appelrot has a ‘silly streak.’
  • The Thimble Club once visited the City Waterworks.
  • Lots of new people mentioned in this episode, all workers at Consolidated Kitchenware Plant 14:
    • R. Spaul DiPwini suggested a guitar, overshoes, pillowcases and fudge for gifts.
    • I.I. Phobie suggested a hat band, horseshoes, hacksaw and a hydroplane for gifts.
    • George L. Winksome suggested iodine, ivory, incenerator and ink for gifts.
    • Mis’ Holland (who is Mr. Ruenbush’s private secretary) suggested a watch, handbag, cane, lounging robe, military hairbrushes, easy slippers, pipe rack and 21 more items (not named) as gifts.
    • W.Z. Skrang suggested machine oil, a mackinaw, monkey wrench and macaroni.
    • Henry A. Tweets suggested a garter, umbrella, suspenders and a saxophone.
    • E.O. Sorgers suggested sardines, celery, a steam (driven) calliope and sandwiches.
    • Q.P. Slitch suggested paper plates, a potato pan, parasol and putty.
  • Office boy Joey Smith was mentioned; he will only contribute a quarter for Mr. Ruebush’s present.