Burns and Allen – Charles Boyer as Oklahoma Tex. 431130

After seeing a movie starring Charles Boyer, Gracie has him on her mind. On the way home a stop at George’s favorite cigar shop, they learn that shady Shakespearean actor, Nigel Bowlingbroke, has a plan for a play. George is reluctant to pay to be part of it, until Nigel tells him it will be based on George’s favorite magazine, Cowboy Love Tales.
when it will be based on characters from his favorite magazine, Cowboy Love Tales. After Bill Goodwin visits to sell the sponsor’s product, Gracie learns a secret about Charles Boyer, and plans to get him to be in the play. Will she convince him that she is really the long lost daughter of a friend back in France?

Jimmy Cash sings, Why do I love You. Part of Gracie’s lies in getting Charles to be in her play is that George is actually a wine merchant. Mix ups ensue as George thinks Charles is talking about his old vaudeville career, while Charles thinks the strange answers George comes back with pertain to the imagined wine industry. Still believing Gracie to be the long lost, Marie Beaumont, Charles thinks the part isn’t right for him. He has never been in a western, and has neither rooted, or tooted.

Bowlingbroke arrives with the scripts, and the reading commences. Awkward moments are in store as the cultured Frenchman reads cowboy, western dialect. Bill Goodwin makes an appearance to again sell the sponsor product, while he tries to assure Charles that Gracie is really Marie. The truth eventually comes out, and Charles refuses to do the play, but the reading with Gracie is comic treasure.