Lum and Abner – Lum Could Be King. 420804

From an anonymous letter, the gents have concluded their baby is the rightful heir to a throne. In the store today, Abner explains how little Pearl is trying to learn the baby some words. Will they do well to prepare the little majesty to handle his future kingdom? Will they be able to protect the baby from people who are trying to take his kingdom away from him?

Lum has been rearranging boxes in the store to make a makeshift throne. He has to practice, and teach the baby how to sit on one… right? How else will the boy learn?

Lum has volunteered himself to be assistant king, and run the kingdom until Charlie Abner… er Duke Peabody is old enough to run it himself.
Little Pearl phones in with an update on the baby, as the gents gloat about how much they love the little king. They’ll be heres. Then Abner worries that those folks in foreign countries with kings all speak different languages. How will they be able to understand the baby once he starts to talk? Should Pearl give up on trying to learn the baby to speak English?