Lum and Abner – Lizabeth And Pearl Are Home. 420716

Abner takes Lum to investigate the ghost in his house. As they lurk outside, reviewing the eerie incidents that made Abner believe his house was haunted, Cedric also lurks in near by bushes.

Strange night sounds get to Abner’s nerves, but Lum tries to identify the owl hoots, and other noises. Will the encouragement work, or will Abner’s fears be contagious? Cedric is behind some of the noise. When Mousey appears… er… the Masked Muskrat, Cedric reports his post.

It takes their combined bravery to sneak close to the house. Is there actually floating white figures that pass in the windows? The ghost turns out to be people, and if you read the show title, you already figured out who it is.