Great Gildersleeve – Gildy Repairs His Car. ep76, 430404

With the war on, no new cars are available, and even the local mechanic has went to war. What’s Gildy to do? Faced with doing his own car repairs, Gildy also finds out the war has put the pinch on his pantry. Canned goods have been rationed to save on the tin. Leroy pitches in. Does he know more about how to open the hood, and about the engine than his white collar uncle? Judge Hooker visits and offers his opinion on where the engine trouble lies.

Time for dinner, and a break from the greasy work under the hood. Maybe Gildy could ask Ben for help, but he and his niece, Marjorie, have been fighting, and there’s a matter of pride in doing the job himself. Even if Gildy is ready to cave in, Marjorie doesn’t want her wishy washy boyfriend, Ben to cave in.

Back at work the next day, Gildy and Leroy give the repairs another go. When Ben visits, will it be time to sweet talk him into a little work? Marjorie will never have to know… we hope. Gildy runs out to pick up more cigars, while the spineless Ben keeps on working. What distraction will Peavey have to keep Gildy from going right back home?

With the car fixed, the question is where Marjorie has run off to? Now that Gildy has what he wants, will he have some advice for Ben to man up, and take a stand? A little jealousy might work better wonders in that department.