X Minus One – C Chute. ep37, 560208.

A story by Isaac Azimov. On returning home from being in the interstellar war, a troop carrier finds itself under attack. When the ship is captured, the motley crew face being taken as prisoners of war. The officer in charge with no combat experience, the enlisted men hardened in battle. What are they fighting for anyway? Should they try to escape? Is hatred and revenge the answer?

The Clorons are aliens who breathe clorine, and oxygen is poisonous to them. As we learn more about the situation, a spirit of cooperation is the key to survive this ordeal, if the men can get over their differences. Is there a weakness that the POW’s might exploit in their enemy? Even if they can make their escape in outer space, what hopes to they have to survive outside the spaceship? Regardless, a story of unintended heroism, and of human good will emerges.