One Man’s Family – Book 72, Chapter 1 – Father Barber And His Three Sons 491002.

Still getting unpacked, things are still missing. This time it’s Nick’s razor blades. At least he’s less grumpy than Henry Barber when he finds that he’s the culprit of his own loss. Joan still shows the mature signs of her experience staying on her own, at Paul’s all Summer. Will it last?

Down the road 6 blocks, Henry enjoys breakfast with his wife Franny, and with Paul, Cliff, and Andrew. Left alone with the newspaper, and Psaul, Henry wonders why the headlines can’t be more positive. Henry rants about the fast pace of today’s business and social life. Travelling, meetings, rushing around. What craziness has he observed in his grandson, Pinky?

Over at Hazel’s, Dan shares that Pinky is going out for the debating team. Is there an inspiration for his interest, and what might her name be? Iris Rand.

Later, Hazel wonders what’s taking so long with Dan? Cliff gets parenting tips about what to do with Andy, and getting ready for school. What has Dan smiling about Pinky’s love interest? How did Pinky do in his debate?

Back home with Henry, he and Paul enjoy a father son chat. Have the arguements in the Summer been put behind them? Jack pops in while Frannie helps with the babies. Cliff rejoins the guys, and Henry enjoys the company of his sons. Will he admit that he was cantankerous, and the source of arguements all Summer? Without admiting anything, Henry at least respectws the openness his sons have with him. Disagreements and all. Have Henry and Margret made up? He fclaims his old fashioned ways still have some legs, compared to all this book learning the younger generation has.