Dark Fantasy – The Man With The Scarlet Satchel. ep16, 420306

Sam Willard is a lawyer, and part of a plan to poison a wealthy old man. Old Mr Craig is also tricked into signing papers before his death. The will is executed, without much to raise questions. Will anyone suspect that Craig’s lawyer, Sam, will get the bulk of the estate? Is there some significance in Craigs request to be buried with a box of modeling clay?

With an old colleague, Dr White, Sam enters the sealed lab to look at the wierd contraptions that Craig had worked on. Isn’t that a box of modeling clay on the work bench?

Has mr Craig come back from the grave? His red satchel seems to begin to haunt those who conspired to kill him. First the nurse who administered the lethal dose, and now it’stime for Sam to start worrying. Will he find a body in the cemetary, or an empty coffin? Mr White shares the secret of the modeling clay, and how the red satchel will get revenge.

Note: Another good concept for a plot, and done well on other shows like the Whistler, but the writing on this show needs work.