Gunsmoke – Indian. 580323

Finding themselves on the windswept prairie, Matt and Chester encounter an indian woman and her dead husband. Is there something they can do to help her? In the Long Branch, Matt tells Kitty how disgusted he was at the sight he saw, but it isn’t long before he finds the killer.

Back on the range, Matt gets more word from the squaw. Will she be able to give good enough testimony for Matt to punish the indian killer? Matt may not have enough on Eggert to hang him, but if he makes a move to leave Dodge, there’s a batch of indians who follow their own laws, and are bent on revenge of their own style.

After a quick talk with Kitty, Matt and Chester have to ride fast if they hope to intercept Eggert. Will they get to him before the indians do? Will Eggerts one man feud with the indians finally come to an end? Not before some secrets are learned.