Vic and Sade – Honorary Titles. 430104.

The latest scheme from the lodge to part its members from a little of their hard earned cash is to sell special titles to its members. For the low low price of 35cents Vic can hold claim to any number of impressive titles of office in the lodge. Does the title come with any added responsibilities or duties? Nope, but wouldn’t one of those verbose titles of officership look good on a business card?

Vic reads several of the long winded titles as Sade scoffs at the whole thing. when the phone rings we are temporarily rescued from the ordeal of purchasing titles for an invitation to play cards with Fred and ruthie, but just a temporary break. Vic goes on reading impressive titles, but Sade cuts to the chase. what do these guys actually do? Nothing related in the least to their titles.

One running gag in the show is the debate over ice cream flavors to bring to the card game, and today is no different.