Cisco Kid – Law of the Forty Four. 531006.

Flash Curan and his right hand man, Slim, ride rough shod over the land. When a big dance is planned, the two rough necks want to ask Julia, but their bullying ways won’t hold water with the affections of a young womans heart. Trying to scare off Cisco and Pancho only serves to make sure our roving heros will be a presence at the party.

What evil plans and threats will Flash and Slim attempt to sabotage the fun? Mud on the dance floor in the barn, attacking friendly ranchers, and even gunplay. Watch out Cisco! Watch out Pancho!

The situation is looking bleak for our heros as Cisco is pinned down, and helpless as the bullies dish out the only law that rules the land. Flaming arrows are launched at the cabin. Will the Cisco Kid be renamed, the Sizzle Kid?

Saddle up and get ready for some hard shooting, hard riding cowboy action as Cisco turns the tables, rescues his friends from danger, and makes sure justice is carried out. You know he can do it, but don’t miss a minute of how he does it. Oh, and be alert for the most terrifying part kiddies… definite mushy stuff alert.