In the living room in the small house halfway up the next block, Sade relaxes as Rush enters to talk with Sade about his getting older. The teenage Rush is feeling older, and noticing the things that he used to do when he was a kid and can’t do anymore.
Rush explains how he gets tired quicker, and how he feels that he’s getting on in years. He just doesn’t have the stamina of a boy anymore. He expounds on the failings of his poor old body, and getting loose and droopy.
Taking in the latest flick at the Bijou is one of Rush's favorite activities, ranking right up there with going down to the YMCA and watching the fat men play handball. Sade gets a kick out of the theme of Rushes complaints, and adds her own two cents to notice how gray and wrinkled the teenage boy is getting. I think it’s not so much being old and worn out as Rush feeling the affects of maturing and growing up a little. Just as Sade’s poor little run down dynamo is at low peak, a phone call arrives and the invitation to watch the fat men play handball at the YM is just the thing to get Rush back up to speed.