I Love a Mystery – Million Dollar Curse. ep1, 491212.

We kick off a new series with the launch of this Carlton Morse adventure series. I Love a Mystery was one of several shows that featured Jack, Doc, and Reggie. They were three adventurers, something of mercenaries, just fun loving guys who loved to do right and offer a helping hand. They travelled the globe in search of good mysteries to solvv.

Today we listen in as Jack and doc talk about where to go to for their next adventure. Jack is the level headed leader, something of the fatherly type. Doc is a Texan, and the energetic, lady’s man who is always hungry, and always up for a good fight. Reggie doesn’t appear today, but he is the intellectual of the group, but don’t let that sel you short on him, he can hold his own alongside Doc when it comes to fighting.

As Jack and Doc talk about exotic countries, and the possibilities, they order room service. After a misunderstanding over their room service order with a rough type, Doc is ready to start brawling on the spot. Don’t mess with Texas, and don’t stand between a Texan and his food.

With the scuffle over, a noise is heard. The noise turns out to be a girl, sobbing her eyes out, and contemplating suicide. What is the Richards curse? Why is she so distraught over it? It appears the next adventure starts here and now. We’ll have to learn the secrets of those answers in the next dramatic installment, next time.