Draft: Judy Canova – Lord Chumbley Has Dinner With Judy. 481204

After hearing of Geranium’s cooking ability, Lord Chumley wants to have dinner at Judy’s. Judy talks to her aunt about cooking, and food preparation. Geranium joins in the chat about food, but is sent into town to pick up some last minute items.

Judy’s boyfriend Joe stops in for a visit, and the talk turns to romantic topics. Their tender moments are interupted by a visit from the neighbor. She is jealous, and complains that Lord Chumley turned her down for dinner with Judy, and another round of food jokes begins.

Judy sings, Why Don’t You Haul Off and Love Me.

Preparations, and expectations continue, then Pedro visits. He tells about a blind double date, as well as more of his dating prowess. Geranium isn’t back yet, so Judy sends out for a hired cook. Several apply for the job to work for Judy, all are Mel Blanc doing different voices. He does a German accent. Next, Sylvester applies for the cook job. He claims to have ben a cook in the Navy.

There’s no replacing Geranium, so Judy has to keep Lord Chumley preoccupied while they wait for her missing cook to get home.

Finally the report of what happened to Geranium is forth coming. Just in time for the final commercial, and Judy to wrap up the show with a song. Wheel of Fortune.