Lum and Abner – Pawning The Pinball Machine. 440418

After being stranded in Little Rock, our bedraggled travelers have scraped up the money needed for the last leg of their journey. Cedric morns the loss of his beloved pinball machine. It was pawned to be able to continue.
Why didn’t they let poor Cedric say good bye, and assure the pinball machine everything would be alright. Abner marvels that Cedric is as upset as if the machine were a real person.

Lum reads Berma Shave signs along the road, and Abner gets confused over the advertisement. Other signs and ads are commented on, as Cedric continues moaning over his lost pinball friend. The poor maiden… Made in Ohio. The distraught Cedric can hardly drive straight.

As Lum and Abner worry about being laughingstocksCedric pines away, thinking he and all his friends will die of a broken heart. Are the pains in his chest more than just his imagination?