Lum and Abner – Lum Will Become Diamond Jim Edwards. 440117

The fun of being the boss, and full owner of the store has worn thin for Abner. He’s ready to give Lum back his partnership, and tells grandpap about it. Grandpap tries to give advice, but Abner’s annoyances at Lum’s subtle ways in the store bother him too much. Singing, and putting on a show of cheerfulness. Getting a thrill at watching Abner squirm over the bookkeeping, and more.

Abner sees his big chance to bring the situation to a head, and shoos away grandpap. When Lum returns, Abner tries to fake him out with bluster, but offers the partnership back. Imagine his surprise when Lum turns him down.

Has Lum gotten used to his carefree life, without the pressures of owning a business? There’s another reason. Lum breaks the news that he has another business idea on the side. He has it all studied up, and the new idea stands to make him the biggest executive Pine Ridge ever saw. Diamond Jim Edwards could be the towns next big millionaire.

In the Jot Em Down store.