Father Knows Best – Orchid For A Lady. ep69, 510215

Cathy is determined to get more valentines cards than any girl in her class, even if she has to buy them herself. Jim seems oblivious to the importance of the day. Betty goes into drama queen mode when she figures her dad isn’t going to get mom any flowers for Valentines day. Will the girls guilt Jim into buying an orchid for Margret?

Betty takes it on herself to squeeze Bud and Cathy for money to get mom an orchid on this most romantic of days. Little does anyone realize, Jim has just been putting on an act, and has already arranged an orchid for Margret.

The hour of mystery and excitement has arrived. Where did the extra orchid come from? Will the sacrifice for the extra orchid from the kids go unnoticed, or unrewarded? Didn’t the kids have faith in their father in presenting the flower to mom? Somehow, through the magic of mix ups, the surplus of orchids dwindles to zero. Will it turn out alright?