Lum and Abner – Spying On Squire’s Picture Show. 431117

The matinee was opened with great success, especially after clearing the air with the Uplift League. After the last show, the only money made was 50 cents. Was it worth offering the free matinee, just to beat Squire to the punch on the opening? Where was Lizabeth and Mary? Over at Squire’s to see his show.

The only reason grandpa and grandma Masters came to Lum and Abner’s was due to having to climb the stairs of Squire’s theater. Lum is still dejected, and considering closing the theater. Abner is curious to know what kind of crowd is at the Hippodrome. Should the gents kind of swing by and have a look? What kind of picture is Squire showing?

If the gents pop in to actually watch the movie, will it make Squire mad? Maybe they should study up on a disguise, so nobody recognizes them when they go inside? Abner wishes he had a big, long neck like a giraffe. Then he could take a peek in one of them upstairs windows at the lodge hall and see. How about if they climb that tree next to the building? They won’t be caught up a tree will they?