Lum and Abner – Abner Will Go To Mena. 431020

Everything in regards to the movie theater is going well, except finding someone to run the projector. Cedric was supposed to, but he hasn’t quite mastered it yet. Chairs are still a problem, and the gents figure out how to transport them back and forth from the lodge.

Is Abner’s headaches due to needing new eyeglasses? Lum doesn’t think so, and Abner’s asthma is just because he lets them slide too far down his nose. All of Abner’s ailments are due too his overactive imagination, and speculating who his life will be like inside the theater.

Does that mean he ought to cancel his trip to Mena? How is Cedric coming along with the projector in the feed room? If it don’t work, should he pick it up and shake it, like you do with a clock that won’t run right? Lum makes an arrangement to have someone trained in the county seat by the theater manager, and Abner is that man.