Wild Bill Hickock – The Case Of The Unlucky Seven. ep3, 510415

Gold was what it took to lure men west, create boom towns, and create untold dangers. Investigating the seven men who have disappeared, Bill wants to set up his pal Jingles as the number eight man. The miners had went to register papers with Mr Faraday, but none had been seen since. Bill causes quite a stir with crooked lawmen when he shows himself, but the explosive encounter is one, y the beginning. .

The newspaper man seems to be Bill’s only friend, but from what they can tell, the missing miner’s deeds seem legal. It’s time for Jingles to play the part of the next miner who struck it big. Warnings to play it safe point Jingles to trust the crooked sheriff. Is Jingles playing his part too well? Has he fallen into a trap, and headed to become the next victim at Salt River Flats, and the quicksand there?

Though Bill has learned the answer to the missing miners, will he be able to rescue Jingles in time? Jingles is more scrappy than the bad guys planned on, but it still may take a little extra help from Bill. The road to victory has a few ambushes along the way, and the press freely gives the report the next day.