Lum and Abner – Presiding Over Art Sale. 430624

The high class intellectual event makes Abner think the art exhibit is a flop. Nobody is whooping it up, or shouting. When it comes to the auction to raise the money for war bonds, Lum wants Cedric and Abner to spark sales by starting the bidding.

Besides being afraid of being stuck with buying Lum’s surrealist paintings, Abner is still disgusted with Lum’s artist clothes. The shabby, unkempt style makes Lum look like a tramp. Stepping out of the feed room, Lum announces the auction to the gathered crowd. Let the bidding begin!

Sure enough, Cedric and Abner open the bids at for pennies on the dollar. Going once… going twice… and sold for nickels, dimes, and quarter war stamps. Abner doesn’t mind giving to support the war bond drive, but he is getting riled at being the only one to buy those idiotic paintings. How is Mable Melrose taking the sales flop? When a painting actually sells for dollars, instead of cents, it looks like neither Lum or Mable will end up with the top sales tonight.