Greatest Story Ever Told – Where Thieves Break Through. ep88, 481205

On a ship being tossed on stormy seas, prayers are made. The storms still rage, but crew and passengers are calmed. Tragedy strikes, and the ship breaks apart. All that survive are Phineas and Elisha..

An evil plan is revealed, and instead of a murder and robbery, only a robbery is committed. Words of the master are called to mind, about storing up treasures where thieves cannot reach. Will it be enough to rescue the heart of a thief? Land is in sight, and the heart returns to its evil condition.

Weighed down by his treasure of stolen gold, the thief is pulled ashore by the one he robbed. Will he reform now? Where’s a body to go on a remote, and abandoned island? Can Phineas buy his way off the island? A small boat only carries two people safely, but the owner isn’t well enough to sail it.

Elisha insists on staying with the injured sailor. The test for Phineas comes when he has to sail off to bring help back. Has Phineas finally discovered the lack of value that gold has? It couldn’t buy him food, drink, or rescue when those things are all he desired.