Lum and Abner – What Was That Formula. 430217

A chandelier misses its intended target, and gave Lum a bump on the head. Though Lum doesn’t have amnesia, Buster is still out there selling his vacuum cleaners. News comes over the phone from Dick Huddleston about the trucking route. Time runs short. Isn’t there some way the gents can unlock that formula out of the brain of Buster V Davenport?

Lum decides to figure the formula out on his own. How hard could it be? All the chemicals grandpap used are all still in the feed room. Abner was with grandpap when they discovered the formula, but he isn’t much help in remembering. Buster enters, sees the chemistry set, and thinks its familiar somehow.

Leaving Buster to play with the chemicals, Lum and Abner hope it jump starts his memory. Does grandpap seem happier this way? Will the amnesia be cured? Maybe a new invention will be discovered.