Lum and Abner – The Letter Abner Wrote. 421001

A mix up in sending a love letter has Lum worried. Will Prof Sloane think he’s in love with him? Will the widow Abernathy love the wrong man? Will Cedric be referred to the 6th grade? If the school board gets wind of the wild romance, they may want to vote Lum out of office, and run him out of town instead.

He frets at having no woman, no job, and having to leave town, and go to Mexico.
Abner volunteers to join his friend in disgrace. Besides, he’s looking forward to owning a jumping bean farm. Wouldn’t those things be kind of hard to pick? What with all that jumping going on.

As Lum frets, Abner grows more excited about the jumping bean farm. Should he write Mexico to see if they have any for him. Cedric enters with some not very wonderful news. What did Prof Sloane have to say about advancing him in school? Cedric’s misfortunes may be good news for Lum.