Bold Venture – Espionage and Murder in San Tomas. ep7, 510507

In Shannon’s place, Slate learns of a nuclear scientist, Falkner, who is feared is about to defect, and is thought to be on the island of St Thomas. Little does Slate and Saylor know the scheme is to use them to kill an intelligence man, rather than helping one. Mr Sinclair, from Houston, is the intelligence man, and seems impressed with Saylor’s charm.

As the murder is going down, King Moses croons a few bars as he and Slate wonder how things are going with Saylor. Slate has his own troubles on the train as he figures he had better go and help.

King Moses updates the listener in song, as Slate recounts his frustrations at the missing Saylor. Saylor may be in danger, but the sultry, cynical blonde has her ways of turning the tables on her captor. Is she in the clear just yet? Slate keeps up his search, by asking for clues with an upscale gal. There’s plenty of danger all around, even after Slate and Saylor are reunited. Guns blaze, bodies fall, but who will be the last ones standing?